Thanks for visiting my website. I’m a New Zealander who writes and takes photos of ordinary people in extraordinary places.
I started off at New Zealand’s largest daily paper in 2003. After two years chasing news I took a full-time position shooting UNESCO World Heritage sites. In 2012 I went freelance but kept up the travel. Since then I've been published in most major news titles around the world and my stories have regularly appeared on the front page of Reddit and other viral news platforms. In 2015, photos I shot with a modified drone were compiled into a photo gallery that received more than 6 million page views.
After near constant travel through more than 70 countries I’ve experienced almost nothing but decency and goodwill. I respect photojournalists working in conflict areas, but I believe there's much we haven’t lost or destroyed that warrants an honest representation in news media.
“The only true paradise is paradise lost”.
For print sales and questions, write me at Many stories featured on this website can be licensed from the team at My stock work is available through the Getty collection, and